
Welcome to my blog!

I hope you will find something of interest here. I’m most likely to comment on science, especially geology, and its relationship to faith, Christianity, the arts and contemporary thought. I write partly for my own benefit as I try to work things out. If my doing so is of interest to others, so much the better. I try not to rant but am not always successful in avoiding it. You can read more about my interests as well as the reason for the site name in the ‘About’ section.

Latest from the Blog

Have the Creationists Stolen Genesis?

Those that know me from Facebook will be aware of my frequent frustration and irritation with young Earth creationists (YECs), i.e. usually evangelical Christians that insist the Earth is around 6,000 years old and that evolution is a satanic lie. I am not going to use this blog to discuss the science of geology and…

God Our Father

The idea of God as Father is a conspicuous emphasis in the faith and life of Christians. When Jesus taught us to pray, he began “Our Father in heaven”. In this blog I want to examine what it is for God to be our father. Its importance lies in the centrality of the fatherhood of…

Of Revolutions and Reductionists

It has been argued that one of the great insights of the Renaissance, and later the Reformation, is that it spawned what we might call the mechanistic universe. The theory is that before the middle of the 16th century, anything we today would recognise as ‘science’ was essentially non-existent, at least in the West. At…

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